We have some black and white photos of the brewery in the archive, and a short (1 and a wee bit pages!) history of the firm post 1923 which mentions that the brewery produced Heavy Bitter Ale, Scotch Stout, Triple Ale, Unique Scotch Ale and a strong ale called Gay Gordon.How fantastic! Can't wait to see the labels and old photographs.
I believe we have some old bottles and labels in the archive. I'll have a look for them when I'm back on SBA duties at the end of next week, and let you know what we have.
Search for "Unique Scotch Ale" provides some information on "The Brewer's Apprentice Website" which shows one Tom Logan is currently brewing:
Logan's Scotch Ale
This unique Scotch Ale was created by Tom Logan, an Brewer's employee and experienced home brewer. We used peated malt and Edinburgh Yeast to achieve this traditional flavor. This one is receiving rave reviews. Price: $190.00
in New Jersey, USA! Wonder if he'd be interested to know that there used to be a beer brewed called "Unique Scotch Ale"? What an interesting concept - a micro-brewery where enthusiasts gather to brew their own ale....
And here's something about 'Triple Ale' - how it's made.
Scotch Stout - being brewed in Santa Maria, California even now! Wow, this whole brewing thing is quite a hobby in the USA.
12 October 2007
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